Structural Energetic Therapy

Structural Energetic Therapy (SET)

Structural Energetic Therapy (SET) is a body restructuring therapy that incorporates medical massage techniques and is based on the individual needs of the client. The SET therapist works from the client’s problem areas and releases the specific areas of pain.


Often, a structural imbalance is responsible for the soft tissue problems that cause the discomfort.


The SET therapist restructures the body by releasing: the toxins and fluids in the muscles; inflammation; myofascial holding patterns; adhesions and scar tissue. Once the pain (usually the initial complaint) is reduced, the therapist works to release the other structural limitations that were responsible for allowing the body to maintain the structural imbalances that produced the pain. For example, in a whiplash injury, the neck muscles are treated and brought back into a more balanced position, resulting in reduced pain. To maintain this balance and achieve the maximum reduction in pain, the structural limitations and imbalances of the pelvis and thoracic need to be addressed. This will result in a total structural balance that supports the neck, enabling the neck to maintain its new pain-free structure.

SET integrates cranial/structural techniques, myofascial unwinding, neuromuscular applications, myofascial restructuring, emotional energy release, acupressure, kinesiology and muscle testing, passive and active resistance, postural analysis, scar tissue and adhesion release, deep tissue therapy and rehabilitative massage.

What to Expect During a SET Treatment


A SET session begins with an evaluation that includes a written client intake form, a consultation to further access the client’s condition, and postural analysis. Treatments usually begin with cranial/structural therapy to initiate a release of the body’s holding patterns, and thereby begins the re-balancing. This often releases enough tension to noticeably reduce spasms and pain symptoms, preparing the soft tissue for more extensive work.

Book Appointment

We offer Cranial Structural Therapy which helps with a wide variety of neurological and cognitive conditions, sinus problems, inner ear conditions, headaches and migraines and many more.